Volume 17, Issue 65 (4-2008)                   JGUMS 2008, 17(65): 77-87 | Back to browse issues page

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Sheikholeslami H, Kani K, Ziaee A. Survey of Precipitating Factors of Suicide Attempts in Persons Who Referred to Emergency Department . JGUMS 2008; 17 (65) :77-87
URL: http://journal.gums.ac.ir/article-1-330-en.html
1- , sheikholeslami@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (8135 Views)
Abstract Introduction: Survey of suicide attempts and its precipitating factors is important because 30% to 60% of suicides were preceded by an attempt, and 10% to 40% of suicide attempters eventually kill themselves. Objective: to assess the precipitating factors of suicide attempts and to evaluate relation between general psychiatric symptoms and repetition of suicidal attempts. Materials and Methods: This is a cross sectioned study which included 575 suicide attempts patients who referred to Boali sina hospital in Qzvin between 2004 and 2005 years. All patients completed a self- report questionnaire and questionnaire about socio-demographic and family variables and other general and specific characteristics. Results: The mean age of patients who attempted suicide ware 23.2±8.2 years (the ratio of female to male was 1:2.4 and range of 13 to 74 years old). The most suicide attempt was between 15 to 24 years-old in both sexes. The most common method of suicide attempts was drug-poisoning for both sexes in all areas, Self-poisoning with agricultural pesticides in rural areas. The most common precipitating problems that were reported by the patients were conflict between married couples and parents, break up of a love relationship and mental illnesses. Mean total and subscales scores on GHQ was significantly higher in patients with history of previous attempt. Conclusion: According to Economic- cultural and social difference there are pivotal differences in suicidal behaviors and suicide precipitating factors in different countries. And prevention of suicidal behaviors and control of its precipitating factors need a comprehensive multi-sectoral approach rather than an intervention inside the health sector.
Keywords: Epidemiology, Iran, Suicide
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Review Paper: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2013/12/22 | Accepted: 2013/12/22 | Published: 2013/12/22

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