Volume 7, Issue 27 And 28 (9-1998)                   JGUMS 1998, 7(27 And 28): 22-28 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (2351 Views)
Nervous system is high resistent, but is vulnerable and sensitive. Nervous system in cardiac surgery may be distracted due to hypoxia or embolism. The cardiac surgery developed in the last decades, and its complications require the necessary imformation for prophylaxia and treatment. This crosssectional prospective study has been done in in cardiac surgery section on about 500 patients that have undergone heart surgery in Shafa Medical Center of Kerman City in 1997.
Results include the following: total brain complications (clinical signs or symptoms of neurologic deficit) are 2.4% of all cases, for coronary bypass is 3.7% and for cardiac valve replacement surgery is 3.35%.
Convulsion is seen in 1% of all cases, but these cases are mostly cardiac valve replacement. Hemiplegia is seen in 0.8% of all cases, but these cases are coronary bypass and cardiac valve replacement
Nonreversible coma is seen in 1% of all cases, but mostly in the coronary bypass surgery. Mortality rate is 6.2% in all cases, but for congenital heart disorders is 7.5%, cardiac valve replacement is 4.46% and for coronary bypass is 6.6%. Mortality of coronary bypass for female is 15.62%, for male 3.8%, and female to male ratio is 4. Death in coronary bypass surgery group is for cases of tree- vessel graft. The increase of age in patients with congenital heart disorders surgery cause the decreased mortality rate (PV= 0.027).
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Review Paper: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2019/03/6 | Accepted: 2019/03/6 | Published: 2019/03/6

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