Volume 22, Issue 88 (1-2014)                   JGUMS 2014, 22(88): 65-72 | Back to browse issues page

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1- Guilan University of Medical Sience
2- Guilan University of Medical Sience , Dr.khorasani.s@gmail.com
Abstract:   (7911 Views)
Abstract: Introduction: Primary snoring(PS) is one of the sleep breathing disorders with suboptimal treatment results. It was recommended that oropharyngeal exercises can be a therapeutic choice for the patients with mild to moderate degrees of this dysfunction. Objective: To assess the effect of oropharyngeal- lingual exercises (OPL) on patients with primary snoring (PS) referred to Amiralmomenin's Hospital ,Rasht. Materials and Methods: : In total, 53 patients with PS underwent the sets of OPL exercises for 3 mounts, 5 days in week, 30 minutes daily under the supervision of speech therapist. Severity of the snoring was assessed with VAS (Visual Analogue Scale) and SSS (Snoring Scale Score) and data were analyzed by SPSS Ver 17. Results: Mean SSS before the study was 7.01 ±1.72 and after study it was 3.09 ± 2.7, and mean VAS before study was 8.54±1.89 and after study was 4.69±2.94 (P=0.001). There was a significant relationship between being problematic with roommates (P=0.0001), situation of snoring time (P=0.0001), duration of snoring occurrence (P=0.0001), severity of snoring (P=0.0001) before and after intervention. Conclusion: Doing the OPL exercises can decrease severity of PS significantly. Conflict of interest: non declared
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Review Paper: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2014/01/6 | Accepted: 2014/01/6 | Published: 2014/01/6

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