Volume 11, Issue 44 (1-2003)                   JGUMS 2003, 11(44): 60-65 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (9583 Views)
Introduction: During pregnancy 50 to 90 percent of women suffer from backache. This is more in them who had history of backache or in who endured it during the last pregnancy. Objective: In order to study the relative frequency of different kinds of backache in pregnancy this study performed. Materials and Methods: 200 cases who came to clinic and complained of backache from 1996-2001 (during 5 years) were selected, and divided into 4 group on the basis of outbreak of pain (0-12 wk), (13-24 wk), (25-30 wk) and (31-40wk), on the basis of the kind of pain, they were placed in 3 groups Sacroiliac pain, Low back pain (LBP) and high back pain (HBP). Results: In present study among 200 pregnant 162 were multipara (81%) 73 percent had history of backache and 38 (19%) had backache for the first time. In different weeks of the pregnancy relative frequency of different kinds of backache were as follow: (A)- In the first group (0-12 wk) the most backache were in Sacroiliac area, LBP and HBP were 40% and 14% respectively. (B)- In 2nd group (13-24 wk) Sacroiliac pain had been achieved 48% and the rate of LBP (34%) and HBP (18%) had been decreased. (C)- In 3 rd group (25-30 wk) backache had been observed in Sacroiliac area more commonly (50%). (D)-In 4th group (31-40 wk) the relative frequency had been increased in Sacroiliac area (54%) and the rate of LBP (24%) and HBP (20%) had been decreased. Conclusion: The best management of backache during pregnancy in different methods of prevention.
Keywords: Backache, Pregnancy
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Review Paper: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2014/09/27 | Accepted: 2014/09/27 | Published: 2014/09/27

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