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XML Mathematical Modelling of the Growth and Wafer Therapy of Glioblastoma
E Forouhi *
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Prevalence of Enamel Defects and Associating Factors in Permanent Incisors and First Molars in 8-9 years-old Children
J Vejdani *, M Kaboodan
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Survey the Effect of Educational Intervention through the BASNEF Model on Preventive Behaviors According to Mental Health in Girl Adolescents
F Ebadifard Azar *, M Solhi, M Roudbari, A Sadeghi
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Comparison of Skin Absorbed Dose in Thyroid Gland Area of Planmeca and Cranex Tome Panoramic Machines
Mohtavapour *, Dalili, Zaboli, Atrkar Roshan
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Survey Of Nosocomial Infection and Accompanied Factors in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
A *, H, E, M
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Survey the Relationship between Life Satisfaction and Health Behaviors in Elderly People Referring to Active Retire mental Centers
M Niknamy *, A Namjoo, M Baghaee, Z Atrkar Roshan
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Survey the Association between Tissue Eosinophil Counts and Prognostic Factors of Esophageal SCC
S Amouian *, N Tayebi Meybodi, A Ataranzadeh, M Montazer, M Rahimi
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Survey the Amnion Graft in Treatment of Congenital Absence of the Vagina
M Mehrafza *, M Oudi, P Abdolahian, Z Mohammad tabaar, K Shadmani, Z Nikpouri
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Effect of Atorvastatin on Indices of Chronic Asthma in Patients under Treatment with High Dose Inhaled Steroid or Oral Steroid
S.A Alavi *, F Nejatifar, K Forghan parast, A.R Sobhani, GH Mortaz
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Evaluation the Effect of Vitamin E on Premenstrual Syndrome
M Pourmohsen *, S Taavoni, A Zoneamat Kermani, F Hosseini
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Evaluation the Associated Factors with Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis
M Shirzayi *, Z Momeni
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Assessment the Effectiveness of Omega 3 on Migraine Headache Severity
A Saberi *, K Esmaeilzadeh, A.R Ghayeghran, A Heidarzadeh
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Investigation the Outcomes of CABG in Patients with Left Ventricular Dysfunction
A.M Sadeghi Meibodi *
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
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